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Our Animals






















































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Our Berkshire/Hereford cross pigs have a great life on the farm! We currently have two females that we breed with our boar. We typically have 20+ piglets at any given time, all born on Riggin Farm. These heritage breeds yield a better fat-to-meat composition that results in tender, succulent pork! The Wagon Wheel Method of rotational grazing gives them a central area with their feed, water, and shelter where they have access all day, every day. Five gates are connected to the main section that each lead to a separate paddock. One gate stays open for a week, giving the pigs access to about half an acre of wooded pasture to root and explore. When they get moved to the next paddocks the land is given an 4 week break before they return. This gives the land time to be rejuvenated and become more fertile than ever before while the pigs get to snack on the growth their next paddock achieved in the past few months. Numerous scientific studies have proven that pasture-raised pork is significantly higher in Omega-3's than commercial pork. Pastured pork belly has about the same Omega-3 content as wild-caught salmon! The natural way we raise our pigs combined with their genetics result in the most delicious and healthiest pork you'll ever try. We currently have pork available to purchase, so come visit us at the farm during normal business hours.




We practice permaculture: the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient. Our animals give to our land & garden, and our land & garden give to our animals. We believe that animals should be raised outside on pasture to experience the elements and benefit from a more natural way of life than that of commercial farms. We never give our animals hormones, vaccines, antibiotics, or dewormers. Sanitary living conditions and natural foods keep our animals healthy without the need for medications. Our farm is still young, so we currently have to supplement our animals' diets with feed (nonGMO, soy-free, & corn-free). As each season passes, the ecosystems we develop will become more and more sustainable & self-sufficient. There is a lot more work and money that goes into this farming practice, but we know that it is the right way to farm. The superior quality of life we create for our animals will translate into superior quality products for our customers and family. 
















Riggin Farm's newest addition is cattle. We have been working on fencing almost 10 acres of our property to turn into beef pasture. We raise Dexter cattle, a small dual-purpose breed that produces great milk and top-tier beef on grass alone. At this time, we have a Dexter Bull (Dexter), 2 Dexter Cows (Rita & Deb), 3 Dexter Steers (Doakes, Quinn, & Vince), and 1 Dexter Bull Calf (Harrison) that will be steered when he's a little older. Utilizing a method called AMP (Adaptive Multi-Paddock) grazing involves keeping them in a relatively small area for only one or two days at a time before moving them to an adjacent section. This will help evenly spread manure and prevent overgrazing the forage. We also have one dairy cow (Maybelle) that's 1/2 Dexter and 1/2 Jersey and her steer (Derby) that is 1/4 Dexter, 1/4 Jersey, and 1/2 Angus. We have our license to sell raw milk for pet consumption, but you're welcome to do whatever you want with it when you get it to your home. The farm is going to be getting some upgrades soon, including a milking parlor. The cows will be moved off the beef pasture and into a dairy animal pasture with access to the indoor milking area. Make sure you keep up with us via social media for the most up-to-date information.

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Chickens are the animal that sparked our interest in farming! We got our first chickens in October of 2019, and by the end of that November we registered Riggin Farm, LLC. At the time we were living in the suburbs and were only allowed to have five hens on our property. Roosters were NOT allowed! We fell in love with our feathered girls before they even had feathers and knew that it was our destiny to start a farm. In December of 2019 we started looking for a new place to call home and build our dream. Fast forward to today: we have 60+ egg laying chickens and several roosters that are NPIP certified. The entire flock is tested every 6 months to ensure they don't have Avian Influenza or Salmonella. Our girls lay the most beautiful, delicious, and nutritious eggs.  Let us know if you're interested in buying hatching eggs or chicks.​​​

E-mail - General Inquiries


Mailing and Physical Address


300 Shady Grove Church Road

Talking Rock, GA 30175

Call or Text


(770) 569-3392

Riggin Farm is a woman veteran owned business

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